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Headband pink ears of wheat - 15 €

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      Headband Pink ears of wheat

      Usual price 15 €
      Usual price 30 € Solid price 15 € -50%
      Payment in 3x from € 200
      At home the 07/03/2024
      At home the 07/03/24


      Elegant and refined, this pretty Headband Pink in 100% Linen will enhance the outfits of Baby with her Embrodery ears of wheat. Made to adapt to toddlers, the Headband is elastic for the greatest comfort of your little girl. Ideal for everyday life, we like to associate it with a pretty Blouse From the same collection for a total look.

      Composition & Interview

      Main fabric: 100% Linen
      Machine washing 30 ° C and and Drying Drum prohibited

      Delivery & Back

      Free delivery from € 200 purchase
      Returns offered in mainland France

      Pink ears of wheat